AWS Marketplace - Subscribe

When you click the Subscribe link you will be presented with an Amazon Web Services login:

If this is the first time that you have logged in to AWS you should see this login:

AWS first time login

As an Amazon account owner:

  1. select the Root user option
  2. enter the email address used for your Amazon account
  3. Click the Next button



If the email address is found you will be asked for your password.

Enter your password and click the Sign in button.







If you don't have an Amazon account then click the Create a new AWS account button.


AWS re-login

Subsequent logins will use this login form.

The user email address will be remembered from the last time that you logged in, so you only have to enter your password and click Sign In.







Once logged-in you will be directed to the AWS Marketplace Fonznik page where you can subscribe.

Fonznik Markeplace - Subscribe


A note about pricing:

Fonznik PricingEach call placed by the Fonznik on your behalf will have two chargeable elements:

  1.  A Call Connection Charge - the charge for using the Fonznik service
  2. A call duration charge based on the number called and the duration of the call.



The call charge levied by the telecoms service provider is allocated the equivalent rate slot and applied to the call.

The Fonznik rate is $/minute, and the duration, recorded in seconds, is used as minutes and fraction of minutes.